Add a To Do Item

Add a To Do Item

The To Do items can be added from 3 different locations:

  1. The To Do list on the "My Dashboard" page
  2. Client Record - use the "Add To Do Item" Button found in the top right corner of the client screen
  3. Project Record - use the "Add To Do Item" Button found in the top right corner of the project screen
Adding a to do item from a project or client, will associate the to do item with the project or client your are on.

From any of the above locations, click on the "Add To Do Item" button then fill out the following form:

  1. Description: is the description of the to do item you would like to create
  2. Due Date: is the due date you would like to have the item completed by
  3. Priority: set the priority to High, Med, or Low
  4. Assigned To:  Items can be assigned to other staff members or it can be assigned to yourself.  To assign an item to yourself, select your name from the dropdown list.
  5. Click on "Save" once you are done entering the task info.

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