V 15.0 Release Notes (2023)

V 15.0 Release Notes (2023)

Release 15.0

Release date: May 2023

Release 15.0 includes enhancements to both the firm side of the software and to the client portal.  Please see the videos below for more detailed information about the enhancements of each.

Firm Side updates:

      File Management:

  1. Enhanced file management throughout the software
  2. File management is now consolidated under one tab in the project and client.
  3. Added the ability to move files between projects and locations within a project.
  1. Enhanced invoice management
  2. Updated the invoices data grid to so both client and project view are the same.
  3. Added the ability to delete an invoice.
For more details, please see the following video: https://youtu.be/Gp9LzLPsV5U
Client Side updates:
    1. Revamped client portal to streamline functionality and simplify usage.
    2. Actions for the client are shown clearly on the dashboard.
    3. See video for more details : https://youtu.be/XVR7uiSIcx0

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