When working with project workflows, the system allows you to specify email templates that can be triggered at the start of a workflow step. The system will also let you associate a reminder email template with a workflow step. The reminder email is triggered after a period of time if the step has not been completed, this is used to remind the client if they did not complete a step.
To use emails templates with workflow steps, you have to define Workflow Emails in the Administration section. The reason workflow email templates are set up independent of the workflow steps is to allow you to reuse email templates in different workflows.
To see how workflow emails are defined, please watch the following short video:
To see how workflow reminder emails are defined, please watch the following short video:
When working with project workflows, the system allows you to specify email templates that can be triggered at the start of a workflow step. The system will also let you associate a reminder email template with a workflow step. The reminder email is ...
Clarity Practice Management, purposefully avoids emails to staff to reduce the email clutter. Email is also an inefficient way to keep track of things to work on. Instead, all notifications, such as internal notes, go to the notification screen on ...
You can change the signature on the bottom of any email that is triggered by Clarity by performing the following steps: Go to Administration Menu Click on Email Menu Click on Event Emails From there you will be presented with a list of email ...
Events emails are emails that are triggered out of the system when a client or a staff takes some action on the system. For example, when you upload a file, the system will trigger an email to the client letting them know that you uploaded a file. ...
Project types is how you define the project workflows, checklists, question templates, and task management. A project type would be something like Business Valuation, Personal Tax Return, Weekly Payroll, etc.