V 14.0 Release Notes (2022)

V 14.0 Release Notes (2022)

Release 14.2

Release date: September 2022

  1. Bug fixes

Release 14.1

Release date: August 2022

  1. User logins is now tracked in the system.  You can see client last login on the client user accounts tab.
  2. Added workflow status tracker on the overdue tasks

Release 14.0

Release date: June 2022

      Custom Fields:

  1. System admin will now have the ability to add custom fields to projects and client records.
  2. System admin can indicate whether each field is visible and/or editable by the client.
  3. All staff will be able to view and edit custom field data on the "Additional info" tab on the client and project records.
  4. Clients will be able to view or edit (depending on permission) custom fields on the "Additional info" tab on the client and project records.
  5. See Create Custom Fields (cpmonline.net) a
      User created Tasks
  1. Staff users will have the ability to create a task item and assign it to another user.  Tasks can be created from the client or project screen and will be associate with the client / project.
  2. Added a new section to "My Dashboard" to include new user tasks.
    1. Dashboard now shows project priorities on the workflow task list.
    2. Removed the ability to check off an overdue task from the workflow list on the dashboard.  
    3. On the dashboard workflow task list added icon next to each workflow tasks to show the list of workflow tasks on the project and status of each task.
    4. Added additional sort options to workflow tasks on the dashboard workflow tasks to include priority. 
    1. Added history column on the files list to show when and who uploaded, viewed, downloaded, or deleted a file.

      Invoicing and payments:
  1. Clients will now have the option to pay for invoices with Credit Card or e-check.
  2. Added the ability to search for clients with open invoice balance.
  3. Added the ability for staff to send reminders on invoices with open balance from the invoices tab.
  1. Added the ability to resend a system email from the email history tab or a project or client record.
  2. Added an email template in event emails for the invoice reminder message.
  1. Added a new report to show the number of completed projects by preparer for a date range.

      Security and User Accounts:
  1. Enhanced password security requirements on the site.  
  2. System now tracks user login history.  Client last login is display next to the client user account.
  3. When deactivating a staff user, you will now have the option to reassign all tasks for that user to another user.
  4. Client users can now add a profile picture.  
  1. Client user picture will now show on the notes.
  2. Enhanced notes template to include a title which is now used to select the note to include.
  3. Provided a print format view for notes, so users can print note.
  1. Added "Fiscal Year" field to the project detail.  Field is also searchable from the project search screen.
  2. Added the ability to refresh a project checklist.  This is useful after a user updates the checklist on a project type and wants to include that checklist in a previously created project.
  3. Added "Assigned Date" to the project search filters.
  4. Added a new field to the project called "Project Coordinator".  The project coordinator will receive all notifications on the project.
      Other Enhancements:
  1. Made all "Delete" buttons red throughout the application.
  2. When a new client is added, they are automatically tagged with a tag for the current year.
      Bug Fixes:
    1. Fixed count of active projects on the dashboard
    2. Fixed engagement letter checkbox not sticking
    3. Fixed an issue with the client search where certain types of filters cause the result to show inactive clients even though the inactive checkbox is not selected.

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